Saturday, 27 August 2011

Evaluating Teacher Effectiveness

“The Widget Effect,” a widely read 2009 report from The New Teacher Project, surveyed the teacher evaluation systems in 14 large American school districts and concluded that status quo systems provide little information on how performance differs from teacher to teacher. The memorable statistic from that report: 98 percent of teachers were evaluated as “satisfactory.” Based on such findings, many have characterized classroom observation as a hopelessly flawed approach to assessing teacher effectiveness.

The ubiquity of “satisfactory” ratings stands in contrast to a rapidly growing body of research that examines differences in teachers’ effectiveness at raising student achievement. In recent years, school districts and states have compiled datasets that make it possible to track the achievement of individual students from one year to the next, and to compare the progress made by similar students assigned to different teachers. Careful statistical analysis of these new datasets confirms the long-held intuition of most teachers, students, and parents: teachers vary substantially in their ability to promote student achievement growth.

The quantification of differences has generated a flurry of policy proposals to promote teacher quality over the past decade, and the Obama administration’s recent Race to the Top program only accelerated interest. Yet, so far, little has changed in the way that teachers are evaluated, in the content of pre-service training, or in the types of professional development offered. A primary stumbling block has been a lack of agreement on how best to identify and measure effective teaching.

A handful of school districts and states—including Dallas, Houston, Denver, New York, and Washington, D.C.—have begun using student achievement gains as indicated by annual test scores (adjusted for prior achievement and other student characteristics) as a direct measure of individual teacher performance. These student-test-based measures are often referred to as “value-added” measures. Yet even supporters of policies that make use of value-added measures recognize the limitations of those measures. Among the limitations are, first, that these performance measures can only be generated in the handful of grades and subjects in which there is mandated annual testing. Roughly one-quarter of K–12 teachers typically teach in grades and subjects where obtaining such measures is currently possible. Second, test-based measures by themselves offer little guidance for redesigning teacher training or targeting professional development; they allow one to identify particularly effective teachers, but not to determine the specific practices responsible for their success. Third, there is the danger that a reliance on test-based measures will lead teachers to focus narrowly on test-taking skills at the cost of more valuable academic content, especially if administrators do not provide them with clear and proven ways to improve their practice.

Student-test-based measures of teacher performance are receiving increasing attention in part because there are, as yet, few complementary or alternative measures that can provide reliable and valid information on the effectiveness of a teacher’s classroom practice. The approach most commonly in use is to evaluate effectiveness through direct observation of teachers in the act of teaching. But as “The Widget Effect” reports, such evaluations are a largely perfunctory exercise.

In this article, we report a few results from an ongoing study of teacher classroom observation in the Cincinnati Public Schools. The motivating research question was whether classroom observations—when performed by trained professionals external to the school, using an extensive set of standards—could identify teaching practices likely to raise achievement.

We find that evaluations based on well-executed classroom observations do identify effective teachers and teaching practices. Teachers’ scores on the classroom observation components of Cincinnati’s evaluation system reliably predict the achievement gains made by their students in both math and reading. These findings support the idea that teacher evaluation systems need not be based on test scores alone in order to provide useful information about which teachers are most effective in raising student achievement.

The Cincinnati Evaluation System

Jointly developed by the local teachers union and district more than a decade ago, the Cincinnati Public Schools’ Teacher Evaluation System (TES) is often cited as a rare example of a high-quality evaluation program based on classroom observations. At a minimum, it is a system to which the district has devoted considerable resources. During the yearlong TES process, teachers are typically observed and scored four times: three times by a peer evaluator external to the school and once by a local school administrator. The peer evaluators are experienced classroom teachers chosen partly based on their own TES performance. They serve as full-time evaluators for three years before they return to the classroom. Both peer evaluators and administrators must complete an intensive training course and accurately score videotaped teaching examples.

The system requires that all new teachers participate in TES during their first year in the district, again to receive tenure (usually in their fourth year), and every fifth year thereafter. Teachers tenured before 2000–01 were gradually phased into the five-year rotation. Additionally, teachers may volunteer to be evaluated; most volunteers do so to post the high scores necessary to apply for selective positions in the district (for example, lead teacher or TES evaluator).

The TES scoring rubric used by the evaluators, which is based on the work of educator Charlotte Danielson, describes the practices, skills, and characteristics that effective teachers should possess and employ. We focus our analysis on the two (out of four total) domains of TES evaluations that directly address classroom practices: “Creating an Environment for Student Learning” and “Teaching for Student Learning.” (The other two TES domains assess teachers’ planning and professional contributions outside of the classroom; scores in these areas are based on lesson plans and other documents included in a portfolio reviewed by evaluators.) These two domains, with scores based on classroom observations, contain more than two dozen specific elements of practice that are grouped into eight “standards” of teaching. Table 1 provides an example of two elements that comprise one standard. For each element, the rubric provides language describing what performance looks like at each scoring level: Distinguished (a score of 4), Proficient (3), Basic (2), or Unsatisfactory (1).

Data and Methodology

Cincinnati provided us with records of each classroom observation conducted between the 2000–01 and 2008–09 school years, including the scores that evaluators assigned for each specific practice element as a result of that observation. Using these data, we calculated a score for each teacher on the eight TES “standards” by averaging the ratings assigned during the different observations of that teacher in a given year on each element included under the standard. We then collapsed these eight standard-level scores into three summary indexes that measure different aspects of a teacher’s practice:

• The first, which we call Overall Classroom Practices, is simply the teacher’s average score across all eight standards. This index captures the general importance of the full set of teaching practices measured by the evaluation.

• The second, Classroom Management vs. Instructional Practices, measures the difference in a teacher’s rating on standards that evaluate classroom management and that same teacher’s rating on standards that assess instructional practices. A teacher who is more skilled at managing the classroom environment, as compared to her ability to engage in desired instructional activities, will receive a higher score on this index than a teacher who engages in these instructional practices but who is less skilled at managing the classroom.

• The third, Questions/Discussion vs. Standards/Content, measures the difference between a teacher’s rating on a single standard that evaluates the use of questions and classroom discussion as an instructional strategy, and that same teacher’s average rating on three standards that assess teaching practices that focus on classroom management routines, on conveying standards-based instructional objectives to students, and on demonstrating content-specific knowledge in teaching these objectives.

Our main analysis below examines the degree to which these summary indices predict a teacher’s effectiveness in raising student achievement. Note, however, that we did not construct the indices based on any hypotheses of our own about which aspects of teaching practice measured by TES were most likely to influence student achievement. Rather, we used a statistical technique known as principal components analysis, which identifies the smaller number of underlying constructs that the eight different dimensions of practice are trying to capture. As it turns out, scores on these three indices explain 87 percent of the total variation in teacher performance across all eight standards.

For all teachers in our sample, the average score on the Overall Classroom Practices index was 3.21, or between the “Proficient” and “Distinguished” categories. Yet one-quarter of teachers received an overall score higher than 3.53 and one-quarter received a score lower than 2.94. In other words, despite the fact that TES evaluators tended to assign relatively high scores on average, there is a fair amount of variation from teacher to teacher that we can use to examine the relationship between TES ratings and classroom effectiveness.

In addition to TES observation results, Cincinnati provided student data for the 2003–04 through 2008–09 school years, including information on each student’s gender, race/ethnicity, English proficiency status, participation in special education or gifted and talented programs, class and teacher assignments by subject, and state test scores in math and reading. This rich dataset allows us to study students’ math and reading test-score growth from year to year in grades four through eight (where end of year and prior year tests are available), while also taking account of differences in student backgrounds.

Our primary goal was to examine the relationship between teachers’ TES ratings and their assigned students’ test-score growth. This task is complicated, however, by the possibility that factors not measured in our data, such as the level of social cohesion among the students or unmeasured differences in parental engagement, could independently affect both a TES observer’s rating and student achievement. To address this concern, we use observations of student achievement from teachers’ classes in the one or two school years prior to and following TES measurement, but we do not use student achievement gains from the year in which the observations were conducted. (If some teachers are assigned particularly engaged or cohesive classrooms year after year, the results could still be biased; this approach, however, does eliminate bias due to year-to-year differences in unmeasured classroom traits being related to classroom observation scores.)

We restrict our comparisons to teachers and students within the same schools in order to eliminate any potential influence of differences between schools on both TES ratings and student achievement. In other words, we ask whether teachers who receive higher TES ratings than other teachers in their school produce larger gains in student achievement than their same-school colleagues.


We find that teachers’ classroom practices, as measured by TES scores, do predict differences in student achievement growth. Our main results, which are based on a sample of 365 teachers in reading and 200 teachers in math, indicate that improving a teacher’s Overall Classroom Practices score by one point (e.g., moving from an overall rating of “Proficient” [3] to “Distinguished” [4]) is associated with one-seventh of a standard deviation increase in reading achievement, and one-tenth of a standard deviation increase in math (see Figure 1).

The specific point system that TES uses to rate teachers as Proficient and Distinguished is somewhat arbitrary. For a better sense of the magnitude of these estimates, consider a student who begins the year at the 50th percentile and is assigned to a top-quartile teacher as measured by the Overall Classroom Practices score; by the end of the school year, that student, on average, will score about three percentile points higher in reading and about two points higher in math than a peer who began the year at the same achievement level but was assigned to a bottom-quartile teacher.

This difference might not seem large but, of course, a teacher is just one influence on student achievement scores (and classroom observations are only one way to assess the quality of a teacher’s instruction). By way of comparison, we can estimate the total effect a given teacher has on her students’ achievement growth; that total effect includes the practices measured by the TES process along with everything else a teacher does. The difference between being taught by a top-quartile total-effect teacher versus a bottom-quartile total-effect teacher would be about seven percentile points in reading and about six points in math (see Figure 2). This total-effect measure is one example of the kind of “value-added” approach taken in current policy proposals.

From these data, we can also discern relationships between more specific teaching practices and student outcomes across academic subjects (see Figure 1). Among students assigned to different teachers with the same Overall Classroom Practices score, math achievement will grow more for students whose teacher is better than his peers at classroom management (i.e., has a higher score on our Classroom Management vs. Instructional Practices measure). We also find that reading scores increase more among students whose teacher is relatively better than his peers at engaging students in questioning and discussion (i.e., has a high score on Questions/Discussion vs. Standards/Content). This does not mean, however, that students’ math achievement would rise if their teachers were to become worse at a few carefully selected instructional practices. Although this might raise their Classroom Environment vs. Instructional Practices score it would also lower the Overall Classroom Practices score, and any real teacher is the combination of these three scores.

Do these statistics provide any insight that teachers can use to focus their efforts? First, our finding that Overall Classroom Practices is the strongest predictor of student achievement in both subjects indicates that improved practice in any of the areas considered in the TES process should be encouraged. In other words, the practices captured by the TES rubric do predict better outcomes for students. If, however, teachers must choose a smaller number of practices on which to focus their improvement efforts (for example, because of limited time or professional development opportunities), our results suggest that math achievement would likely benefit most from improvements in classroom management skills before turning to instructional issues. Meanwhile, reading achievement would benefit most from time spent improving the practice of asking thought-provoking questions and engaging students in discussion.

Can we be confident that the various elements of practice measured by TES are the reasons that students assigned to highly rated teachers make larger achievement gains? Skeptical readers may worry that better teachers engage in more of the practices encouraged by TES, but that these practices are not what make the teacher more effective. To address this concern, we take advantage of the fact that some teachers were evaluated by TES multiple times. For these teachers, we can test whether improvement over time in the practices measured by TES is related to improvement in the achievement gains made by the teachers’ students. This is exactly what we find. Since this exercise compares each teacher only to his own prior performance, we can be more confident that it is differences in the use of the TES practices themselves that promote student achievement growth, not just the teachers who employ these strategies.

The Upside of Teaching at a Low SES School

Jennifer Singleton is an elementary school music teacher with seven years of teaching experience in Portland metro area schools. She was born, raised, and educated in Oregon, and loves nothing more than connecting with kids through music. We’re excited to have her joining the conversation about teaching and education reform as the newest member of the ChalkBlogger team.

My seven-year teaching career has taken me to five different schools in the Portland metro area. Most of them, including my current school, have had low socio-economic status (SES), which refers to the income, education and occupation of the students’ parents. While there were definitely some advantages to teaching in a high SES school, I choose to teach in a difficult school because for me, the rewards outweigh the challenges.

Obviously, there were a lot of great things about working in a high SES school. For the most part our students were well cared for physically and emotionally. Classroom management mostly meant controlling chatty kids. My program was adequately funded, and our school had a supportive community with plenty of volunteers for classrooms and school events. In many ways, teaching in a high SES school was a breeze.

The learning environment I’ve just described sounds ideal, but there were also some frustrating problems. I have a few colleagues who, like me, have taught in both kinds of schools. And like me, they prefer to teach in a low SES school. When asked about it, one of my colleagues even exclaimed, “You couldn’t pay me to go back!” The question is: Why? With all of the advantages, why choose a school with so many struggles? The answer for us boils down to a lack of appreciation.

I remember how much I hated making parent phone calls over student behavior concerns. Parents would often blame my inadequacies as a teacher for their child’s behavior. One of my colleagues would spend most of her prep time not planning lessons, but crafting multi-paragraph responses to parent e-mails. Another colleague recalled a time that she went to make copies, and walked in on a gossip session about her. We all agreed that it felt like there was no basic trust or appreciation coming from some of our families. We were expected to defend our teaching style, lessons, and even personal decisions regularly but we were rarely thanked or commended. Rather than working together as partners, it felt like “Us against Them.”

I don’t believe that the communities we worked with intended to make us feel unappreciated. It is clear that our high SES families understood and valued the importance of education. I think that their own level of education gave them the confidence to be highly involved in their children’s education. These parents clearly want the very best for their kids, and I think offering their own input gives them a greater sense of responsibility and control over their child’s future. Instead of always thinking they knew better, though, we would have appreciated some trust and cooperation since we do, after all, share the same goal.

My current school is tough, I won’t lie. Classroom management is everything. Our kids need major help with social skills and problem solving. Parents are often too busy working several jobs to volunteer at school. Many of our kids are caretakers for their younger siblings, which takes precedence over school work. For many of our families, daily life is a struggle. Problems such as homelessness, hunger, neglect, domestic abuse and drug use are common. Sounds rough, right? It can be, but for me the trade off is totally worth it.

My students are sweet and loving. I am amazed by their strength. Many of them try their best every day even when their clothes are dirty and they slept on the floor the night before. Most of our parents are wonderful. They are thankful that we are educating and caring for their kids, and treat us with respect. Many of the parents at my school are not well educated, and understand the value of the opportunities their children have through public education. They cannot afford private lessons or sports teams for their kids, so they truly appreciate all of the things we offer their children for free. At school, they know their kids will be in safe and clean environment. They will be fed breakfast, lunch, and sometimes a snack, and they will be taught the important academic and social skills that will help them be successful in the future. Our school has a special feeling when you walk through the front doors. There is an amazing sense of teamwork amongst the parents, students and staff. What we accomplish together is inspiring.

I believe the rewards of teaching in a low SES school outweigh the frustrations. My job can be very stressful, but I go home knowing that I am making a real difference in our kids lives and that I am appreciated for it. That is why I became a teacher.

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Teaching Is The Best Education

If you have ever done any teaching you know that very often you come away from the experience with a greater clarity. Teaching what you know ingrains it even deeper within you. You often learn things you had no idea you even knew you needed to learn.

I am just starting a semester social media class at the University of Findlay. It’s a senior seminar where I’m the Professional In Residence. It’s a new program the university is offering.

The first class was last night. I’m happy to say it started even better than I anticipated.

The premise of the class is that the students are building a complete social media presence for the Communications Department of the school. It’s a completely hands-on course.

Last night we had our kick-off meeting. We met with the client… the head of the department and the head of digital media.

The students ran the entire meeting.

And this is where I was taken to school.

You see, I love the revolutionary aspect of social media. It’s a total grass roots, from the bottom up, media. It’s greatness is that it gives people a voice who would have otherwise had no voice at all. I always root for the underdog. So social media is an especially favorite tool of mine.

If this had been a kick off meeting at SageRock there would have been no way in hell I would have let the college interns run the meeting. Could you imagine doing that? Could you imagine going into a brand new client and telling the client that a few 19 year olds would be running their complete campaign? Oh and by the way, don’t worry. They’ve never done this before, they have no experience and actually, they just started with our company an hour ago.

But because this is a class and not an official client, that’s exactly what I did.

I’m here to tell you, the experience was mind blowing.

These students asked such hard questions that the clients had to leave the room to go find the answers.

The ideas they had for the client were completely interesting and highly creative.

But they aren’t going to just start plowing away at a social media campaign. As the professionals they are, they will first be researching what other colleges are doing. Because, you know, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel.

They came up with all this themselves.

Have you ever used the phrase “breath taking?” I used it last night because they literally took my breath away.

I could not believe what I was seeing.

These young people were starting to put together one of the best marketing strategies  I had ever witnessed.

These are people that have no voice. And no agency is going to give them a voice any time soon.

And here they are coming up with the smartest questions and soundest strategies I had ever seen put together for any campaign. I’ve seen a lot of strategies come across my desk.

I consider myself a trusting person. But I have limits. Today I’m questioning those limits.

These young people were stellar. They were the incarnation of everything that is good about social media. They were fresh, excited, serious and innovative. They reminded me of the power that comes from the bottom.

The people at the top have a careful fear that stilts creative thought.

These kids weren’t reckless. But they were definitely open. They have something to say and it’s worth hearing.

The people at the top just need to let them say it.

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Friday, 12 August 2011

Principals Fail To Weed Out Worst Teachers

School principals are failing to do anything about poor teachers, according to a damning report which suggests the system for evaluating teachers is broken in this country.

The report, which surveyed teachers and principals in 23 countries, said teacher evaluation and development in Australia is among the worst in the developed world.

Australia is ranked fourth-last for identifying teacher quality, according to the study which formed the basis of the Grattan Institute report, What Teachers Want: Better Teacher Management.
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Although Australian teachers have annual reviews, most surveyed said they were meaningless, had few consequences and were largely done to meet administrative requirements.

More than 90 per cent of the teachers reported their principal would not take steps to alter the salary of a persistently under-performing teacher, nor did they feel they would receive any recognition if they improved their own teaching. Almost 80 per cent of teachers in government schools said consistently bad teachers would not be sacked, and 43 per cent said they would be tolerated by the rest of the staff.

Not only did this disadvantage students, the report concluded, it demotivated other teachers.

The report's author, Dr Ben Jensen, an education analyst at the Grattan Institute, said the benefits of good teaching were well known and evaluation was the first step to improving quality teaching.

''A student with an excellent teacher can achieve in half a year what would take a full year with a less-effective teacher,'' he said.

He said although all Australian schools had systems of evaluation and development in place, they clearly weren't working. Teachers believed they were broken.

''Not only is this demoralizing … it also implies there is no meaningful evaluation that is required for teacher development and school improvement.''

Of the 23 countries surveyed by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Australia was fourth-worst when it came to recognizing quality teaching. Those doing a better job include Portugal, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Mexico, Turkey, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Poland. The United States and Britain were not in the survey.

Principals also aired strong dissatisfaction in the survey, reporting a lack of teacher preparation for classes as a serious problem, as well as too many teachers losing too much class time to administrative tasks and discipline.

More than one-third of Australian school principals surveyed reported that the lack of teacher preparation was hindering student instruction in their school.

Only Italy, Lithuania, Mexico, Spain and Turkey indicated this was a bigger problem in schools.

Dr Jensen called for development of more meaningful evaluations to ensure effective teachers were recognized and rewarded.

''This should not focus purely on improvements in student test scores. An effective system would include peer review, the direct appraisal of teaching, and teachers' ability to identify and then address each student's learning needs,'' he said.

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Anna Patty and Jewel Topsfield