Thursday, 8 September 2011

Government To Respond To Teaching Education Review

The Scottish Government is to respond to a review of teacher education published in December, which outlined 50 recommendations to improve the training system.

'Teaching Scotland's Future', compiled by former HM Inspectorate of Education chief Graham Donaldson, suggested wide-reaching changes in entry to teaching, teaching qualifications and continuing teacher education.

Its suggestion that new trainees could face tests in reading, writing and maths, in an effort to drive up standards in Scotland's schools, was widely reported at the time of publication.

The review said: "Current requirements relating to Scottish Qualifications Authority qualifications in English and mathematics do not seem to provide a sufficient guarantee of the levels of competence which are required for teaching."

It also recommended the creation of "hub schools" for training placements and the opportunity for teachers to gain a masters qualification during their career.

Angela Constance, minister for skills and lifelong learning, will give a ministerial statement in Holyrood, outlining the Government's response to its findings.

Ms Constance is standing in for Education Secretary Michael Russell.

She is also set to meet student teachers during a visit to Edinburgh University's Moray House campus following her statement to Parliament.

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