Higher education supporters should not despair at the devaluing and privatisation undertaken by this government (Reports, October 17). On 9 November, students will again take to the streets, and this may well spur on a wave of fresh campus occupations. Today we are launching a vice-chancellors' pledge. We are challenging university leaders ahead of 9 November to sign up to publicly condemn the white paper and call for its withdrawal; and to resist it practically on their own campuses by guaranteeing no course cuts and keeping their institutions public and not for profit. All those vice-chancellors with a genuine interest in the future of higher education should sign.
National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts
• Thanks are due to the Rev Dr Giles Fraser, canon chancellor of St Paul's Cathedral, for supporting the right of demonstrators to protest outside St Paul's over the past few days. His request that the police should leave the steps of the cathedral was a thoughtful and creative contribution to a peaceful protest (Move along please, canon tells police…, 17 October). How often over the years have we seen the outbreak of violence when the police – who are meant to prevent breaches of the peace – have provoked it by their overreaction to a demonstration? Another example of this peaceful dynamic was the large, non-violent, three-hour occupation of Westminster Bridge just over a week ago. The police stood by while the demonstration, set up by UK Uncut, remained peaceful yet very visible in the centre of London. Perhaps the police need to rethink their tactics of confrontational kettling and overreaction to innovative protest if they want to keep the peace and protect the right to demonstrate.
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National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts
• Thanks are due to the Rev Dr Giles Fraser, canon chancellor of St Paul's Cathedral, for supporting the right of demonstrators to protest outside St Paul's over the past few days. His request that the police should leave the steps of the cathedral was a thoughtful and creative contribution to a peaceful protest (Move along please, canon tells police…, 17 October). How often over the years have we seen the outbreak of violence when the police – who are meant to prevent breaches of the peace – have provoked it by their overreaction to a demonstration? Another example of this peaceful dynamic was the large, non-violent, three-hour occupation of Westminster Bridge just over a week ago. The police stood by while the demonstration, set up by UK Uncut, remained peaceful yet very visible in the centre of London. Perhaps the police need to rethink their tactics of confrontational kettling and overreaction to innovative protest if they want to keep the peace and protect the right to demonstrate.
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