Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Hollywood movie stars a big hit on streets of Upper Darby

UPPER DARBY — If the myriad trailers and film crews didn’t give it away, then the throng of women milling around Park and Madison avenues Tuesday afternoon was a big hint.

Hollywood hunk Bradley Cooper was on the 200 block of Madison Avenue Tuesday, shooting portions of the upcoming film, “The Silver Lining Playbook.”

“I’m a fan, and it’s awesome just to meet someone famous,” said Stephanie Siegman, 29. The Drexel Hill, Upper Darby, resident said she and several friends were thrilled to have the actor visiting their township.

“And for it to be in our area is awesome, too,” she said. “(Plus) he’s hot.”

Based off a Matthew Quick novel by the same name, and directed by David Russel, the film stars Cooper and longtime Hollywood leading man Robert De Niro.

Not everyone was there to see Cooper. Michelle Kao, 26, brought her 17-month-old son, Noah, along to “stalk and watch” De Niro go to work, she said.

“It’s Robert De Niro! How would you not want to come see him?” she said. The Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital unit clerk cited “Goodfellas” as her “all-time favorite ever.”

“How could you not want to stalk him if he is up the street from your house? I don’t understand that,” she said.

Tuesday’s scene involved Cooper’s character, Pat Peoples, returning from a mental institution to live with his parents.

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