Thursday, 20 October 2011

Safer Schools Recognised By Pioneering Award

As Chesterfield children prepare to return to school this week, news comes of a pioneering new award that is being offered to Derbyshire schools that will equip pupils and staff with basic life-saving skills.

The 'St John Ambulance Schools Mark' will be awarded to those that show a significant commitment to the safety and health of their school community.

The criteria for achieving the standard includes teaching important first aid skills that could teach even the very youngest children skills which would make the difference between a life lost and a life saved.

Schools displaying the prestigious logo must have trained staff first aiders for each year group and teach first aid skills to at least 20% of pupils. They must also have correct policies and procedures to cover accidents, health and safety, risk assessment and evacuation.

Carl Makins, Head of Schools & Community Projects for St John Ambulance Derbyshire, said: "Every year up to 150,000 people die in situations where first aid could have given them a chance to live. Even basic first aid knowledge can save a life and this is our way of encouraging schools to teach these very basic skills.

"The new award will give credit to schools that support the initiative - and also reassure parents that their children are in safe hands."

Derbyshire is a national leader in schools first aid, with more pupils trained in basic life-saving skills than anywhere else in the UK.

St John Ambulance also offers a Teach the Difference Award, recognising the contribution of teachers who train their pupils in first aid.

Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards are available to enhance teachers' personal development portfolios, depending on the number of children trained.

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